The tangle of limbs in diffurent positions offers up difurse views of her tender toesies, front and back, as well as glimpses of an almost floofy-like tummy.
Domino has also purroffered some lovefurly head shots today with her deep green eyes seeming to smile in her sloe-eyed gaze. It seems to me that it's quite a loving look she is giving me -- and all of you by virtue of the camera lens. Purrhaps this look is actually meant for Milo Marshall, because it really does have quite the dreamy quality to it.
So, for tuxy fans, and Domino's beau, she has endeavoured to present all of her best sides for you to admire, today. It's just left to you to appreciate.
All that grooming and you're picture perfect, Domino! You're such a pretty little girl
Such a worthy Tuxie Tuesday Kitty you are Domino! QUEEN of all the tuxedo cats!!! Milo Marshall can be your KING!
You are a lovely green-eyed lady ;)
Groming to make your selp pretty for the camera.
Dammy, you are SO pretty!
Love Milo xx
Gorgeous, as usual!!
You're as purrty as ever, Domino!
Ah. And as lovely as all of these are, you saved the best 2 for last. Purrfection, Domino!
Oh those are great pictures - I can see that little bit of floof on your tummy. I am sure you were thinking about Milo while these were taken!
Domino, it looks like every side is your best side!
such a pretty kitteah! we do yogas too, is good for you! =^_^=
You have pretty green eyes Domino.
Great moves, Domino!
It's a great day to be a Tuxie!!!
xoxo Bennette (stealing my sisters sign in)
You're such a pretty kitty, Domino! What long white eye whiskers you have!
Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew
So purrty Domino! Don't you hates it when dey has da flashy fing when we takings a baff? Momma says I so cute cleaning da furs silly hoomans
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