Yippee! Our "Paw It Forward" package finally arrived from Ginger Jasper! It took a while to come across the ocean from England, but we were so happy to see it in our mailbox. Ginger Jasper was very generous, especially because we know he had to send PIF packages to lots of other kitties, too!
We got that big blue feather boa with a bell, a green fishing toy, a pink Jitterbug toy (we think it's supposed to be a shrimpie), a package of diffurent-coloured catnip meeses (we loves dem meeses to pieces!), and a whole bunch of treats that we never had before. They are very intriguing because they don't smell the same as our regular Temptations. We loves them a lot! We got some Whiskas with chick-hen and CHEESE, some catnip drops, some Felix Chicken Lickin's and best of all some Bob Martin's Prime Cuts -- they looks like little steaks, but really they are chicken and fish rolled up inside. We loved those the mostest!
Furst of all, Ginger Jasper and his mama sended us a boo-ti-full card with Ginger Jasper's picture on the front -- with him in a green hat. He looks like a leprechaun! We didn't know you were Irish, GJ! You look so handsome in green.
Then we (just Dante and Domino) waited patiently on the carpet because we knew it was something for us! It smelled like it was for us, and we were right! Daddy sprinkled treats, and put our toys all around for us to check out. We couldn't get the cardboard off the toys ourselves, though, and Daddy had to do it for us (Mama was busy taking the pictures). Domino was mostly interested in eating, but she was very attracted to that Jitterbug shrimp -- I think because it's pink and she's a girl.
Dante went nuts over efurrything! He played with the fishing toy, and he sniffed the catnip meeses and he paraded around with the blue feather boa, until he captured it and started to show it who was boss!
Unfurtunately, Dylan was sleeping. He was out all night carousing, and only came home in the morning, so he didn't want to come out right away. But later on in the afternoon, after he had his naps, he joined us out on the front patio and tasted those delicious Prime Cuts (the little steak thingies).
Dylan's favourite toys are dangly ones, so he went bananas over the fishing toy. We thought he would like the blue boa, too, because he's mad for fevvers, but he ranned away when he saw it! Maybe it was the little jingle bell that was attached. He's not used to jingly fevvers.
We all feel very spoiled and happy! We want to thanks Ginger Jasper and his mommy for all the wunnerful toys and treats. We couldn't eat efurrything at once, so we have lots to keep us going for a while. You sure know what kitties like!
So, now it's our turn to "Paw It Forward" to someone else. The first person to leave a comment on our post, and who is willing to participate and "Paw It Forward" to someone else, will be the recipient of their furry own PIF package from the 3-Ds! We can hardly wait to make some other kitties happy, like GJ did fur us!
P.S. There is a new feature on the LOLSpot called "LOLSpot is Amewsed by Katie's Furry Mews". To get there, just click on the LOL Icon, second from the top on the left hand side of this post.