I'm Dante, Dante Bond! And I'm Dylan, Dylan Bond. We've bonded without the assistance of Bond's glue or even the ties that bind. In fact, we purrfur casual wear to any type of bondage gear. We just like to hang out together while we're letting it all hang out!
Though we have engaged in cofurt opurrations, we don't like to identify ourselves as spies of any sort, and choose plain clothes instead of fancy. We do have an affinity fur fur, howefur. (Disclaimer: No animals were harmed in the making of these fur coats.)
We believe that male bonding is of the utmost impurrtance to the survival of our species, and indeed our world! All mancats need to have some man-to-man comcat expurrience.
In the end, we like to get togefur at one of our fafurite bars to enjoy a drink or two after a hard day's work! Unlike our cohort James Bond who enjoys his vodka martini "shaken but not stirred", we both purrfur our vodka in a White Russian well-mixed, heavy on the cream!
It is good to see them bond!
Male bonding is FURRY imPURRtant indeed!
Man cat FURiends cannot be overlooked! Love the well placed head kisses. REAL mancats shouldn't fear intimacy!
Thankyou for coming by and leaving me a Gotcha Day message:)
You are very right about male bonding. We also think sibling bonding is very important, and you two are getting both kinds of bonding at the same time!:)
We love your cat tree. It is possibly the coolest one we have ever seen:)
Very well said, boys! We agree 100%! And may we say that you are both far more handsome than James Bond ever thought about being!
We love to see you mancats bonding!!
Yes bonding is impawtant. Looks like you both get on well together.
Good gracious, Mommy thinks that you two are VERY handsome mancats! SWOON........
What a beautiful photo session! You two are the mancatliest!
Oh, they really are purrfectly bonded!
Our momma sayz dat dere izzn't anyfing wrong wif guyz gettin' in touch wif dere feminine side☺
Good to see the Male Bonding on ManCat Monday!
Brotherly love is a wonderful sight to see!
Some major head-butting going on there!!! Good job, boys!
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