And here is Missy again starring as the would-be "Usurpurr" of the throne (top spot on the cat tree). The translation is as follows:
1. I have a plan to usurp this throne.
2. I have to figure out the best way to attack.
3. There's no way but up!
4. Must retreat due to counter-attack by opposing force.
5. He still has the upper paw!
6. I'll try a new tactic -- oopsy daisy!!!
7. Now I'm in good position ...
8. for a pre-emptive strike!
9. Guess, I just have to settle for second in line to the throne.
A furry nice story!
Missy is cute..... and very purrsistent.
Missy is a cutie! You did a great job of showing who's the top cat, Dylan!
Give it another try, Misty! We know you can do it!
Dylan is definitely top cat and Missy knows her place on the lower limb of the family tree!
Great commentary on an exciting story.
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