She likes to sit beside me on the front porch bench, and so I take the opportunity to close in on her with my lens. Once she notices it -- she's all over it! She gets right in there, and nuzzles up to it, scent-marking it as her own. I guess she must know that ultimately Milo will see her on the other end of this thing.
The second picture is so extreme, it almost looks like her whiskers are under a microscope. I'm sure you could count each one individually.
For the next three, she was standing on my chest and looking around her territory while I attempted to zoom in on different angles of her face.
Forget the toesies and the tails -- I'll go for Domino's cute little pink nose any day!
Finally, Domino left my side to sit in the chair by the front door -- waiting patiently for me to open it for her. So, I got a couple of decent shots at a proper distance to round out the photoshoot.
What a girl! She certainly is a character, and definitely has a mind of her own -- to the extreme!
WOW Domino UR FURtographer certainly got up in ur face! Good to see you so up close and PURRsonal! U R R faFURite tuxy eFUR!
HUGE SMOOCHIES for Domino from us all becos she is BEAUTIFUL.
Domino, you're even beautiful up close! Love your little pink nose!
Cute pink nose!!!!!!!
Stunning photographes! A real treat!
Love the pink nose--smooches from us!
~Whisker Tickles,
Lizzie and Connor
Very nice close ups!
That nose is soooo cute!
She may be waiting patiently, but she doesn't look to pleased with the time it is taking. A real character, indeed.
Domino, those are some srsly extreme shots! You must be an extreme Professional Cat Model!
What a perfect little pink nose!
The extreme close-ups are so cute!
Now that's what you call "in your face!"
mmm I love the close up of the cat chin! I LOVE little cat chins
Those are some great pictures and I just love the cute pink little nose.
Ohhhh, those are such wonderful photos, all of them!
purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew
She is such a cutie - I especially love the nose shots - very cute. I love pink noses!
We loves pink noses! That's some serious pink!
Charlemagne and Tamar
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