Friday, October 16, 2009


Here's Dylan rockin' and rollin' on the brick patio in the back yard. He just loves to roll in the dirt and any detritus that has fallen from the trees. Despite his dirt bath, he still looks pretty darn good.

The air is getting fresher every day now -- by "fresher", I mean cooler and cooler. Unless there is a patch of sun, the kitties don't like to stay out as long as they did during the summer months.

So, inhale deeply Dylan, because soon you'll be indoors at least 23 hours a day!

And, the lovely Domino also takes her turn at a bit of an outing on the back deck. She's too sophisticated and pristine about her personal hygiene to roll in the dirt. So, she just chills out (literally) and poses prettily for the camera.

Domino really likes these pictures, so she wants me to tell Milo to be sure to look at them. (Don't worry, her mama's working on the Flat Domino -- she just gets distracted by her blogs, especially that LOLSpot of hers.)

"Hugs and smoochies to Milo!" Domino says, before signing off for today.

P.S. Oh yes, and please stop over at the LOLSpot to see "The World of LOLs According to Misha". You can get there by clicking right HERE.


Charlemagne and Tamar said...

Enjoy the outdoors while you can, Domino and Dylan! Soon it will be dark and cold there and where we live, too.

We hope that you have a great weekend,
Charlemagne and Tamar

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

That looks so fun to roll on the patio! We understand Domino not wanting to get dirty, though!

Quill and Greyson said...

Enjoy your sun!!

SeaThreePeeO said...

Great pictures. Thomas loves to roll in the dirt too. I have noticed that Charlie and Lola are in more then out now, but Thomas is always out no matter what the weather!

The Creek Cats said...

Enjoy that crisp cooler air guys. It's gonna get so cold soon. Rolling around in the dirt when its cool outside was one of Cal's favorite things to do.

Goldie, Shade and Banshee said...

We are getting pretty cool out here too! Nice wood stove to heat us up though!

Anonymous said...

Yesh, we think that also you's momma is not gonna wanna be sittin' out in the colds, either! So, enjoy what you can when you can and then go inside an' tell you's momma to OPEN A CAN!☺

Elizabeth and Connor said...

Enjoy the weather now; it'll be too cold soon to got out. Do what we do--get our toes really cold then walk on mama! It's fun!

~Whisker Tickles,
Lizzie and Connor

Milo and Alfie said...

Fabulous pics of yoo both!

Love Alfie xx

Hi Dommy, mom has posted my flatcat to yoo by airmail ~ so it's winging it's way to yoo even as we meow! Yoo are adorable in these pics.
Smoochies, from Milo Munchkin xxxxxxxxxxxx

Anonymous said...

Getting fresher and fresher outside now - be out as much as you can! Soon it will be too cold!

The Monkeys said...

You both look wonderful enjoying the Fall weather!

Amy & the house of cats said...

Those are great pics - I hope they are enjoying the outside while they can!

Poppy Q said...

Enjoy your fresh air. I am allowed out anytime I want, and in winter here it doesn't get too cold or snow. We just wish it would stop raining, and we could get some spring sunshine.

The Island Cats said...

You both look marvelous today!!