Actually, it wasn't really a surprise except for the fact that it arrived so quickly. Milo's Mum and I both agreed to make Flat-Cats of our tuxy kitties and exchange them, so we could pose them together at will (and not always have to wait for one or the other to fly across the ocean for a visit)!
Domino was absolutely thrilled with her paper Milo. He must have rubbed himself all over it or something, because she was very attracted to its scent.
Here you see her, with her tail held high giving the Flat-Milo a proper greeting!
Domino nuzzled up against him -- and Boom! He fell down flat!
So, Daddy picked Flat-Milo up and set him straight, and Domino began to nuzzle him once again.
See how happy Domino is!!! Can't you just see her beaming??? She truly is a girl kitty in love. In this picture you can also see the lovely card that Milo sent her. He lives by the sea in Devon, so he sent a card with kitties by the sea. The message inside is heartfelt and sentimental. Domino allowed us to read it after she had done so privately.
After nuzzling Flat-Milo a little too aggressively, he ended up flat on his back again! All the better to sniff you up, says Domino.
Here is Domino beaming yet again! She is so very pleased with this package from England! Now she can have her Milo any time she wants.
Domino's Mommy (that's me) made a few Flat-Cats of her own. We were trying out different sizes to go along with Flat-Milo. I posed Flat-Milo and Flat-Domino on the mantle in the living room together. This version of Flat-Domino is a little bit small. The one we are sending to Milo's Mum is closer in size to Master Milo.
I actually thought they looked fairly realistic, so I took several shots of Flat-Milo and Flat-Domino together.
And here's their close-up. Flat-Milo seems none the worse for wear after all his ups and downs today. At least Flat-Domino isn't about to bowl him over!
Actually, there are two different Flat-Cat versions of Domino winging their way to Milo and his Mum! That way they can change it up whenever they choose.
Domino thinks even the Flat-Milo is very smoochalicious! "What a hunk of paper!", she says.
What a cute idea!
How adorable is that... We used to read a book to the kids in Elementary school called FLAT STANLEY- about a boy that got mailed all over the place... This reminds me of that... You can start a whole new trend here!
Aww lol. We can see Domino beaming with love and happiness!
I can't wait to get my Flat-Dommy ~ wot fun! Smoochies!
Love Milo xx
How sweet! Domino looks very happy!
Domino seems very smitten with her Flat Milo. Hope she doesn't come to prefer it over the real thing!
That is so brilliant.. Mum tried to make me a flat Jasper and has failed.. Sigh.. Soething about she doesn't think her printer prints large enough.. I love both yours and Milo's.. You are soooo clever. Loved your masked picture over at Zoolatry.. Hugs GJ xx
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