Tuesday, April 13, 2010


These pictures of Domino were taken just this morning.  She likes to nibble a little first on the new shoots of grass before performing her rituals.

Domino is rather zen.  When she strikes a pose, she tends to hold it for quite a long stretch (pun intended), a skill which comes in useful in her modelling sessions. 

To me, it also appeared as if she was practising the ancient Chinese art of Tai-Chi, which is known for its long, slow motions.  Perhaps this is how she originally honed her posing skill.

Here she is taking in the scent of the newly sprung grasses.

Then she takes up her pose; a sideward stretch of the left leg and hold.

She continues to hold this position while partaking of the grasses.

And still her bottom half hasn't moved, though she turns her top half southwards.

Still holding, while stretching her neck, eyes skyward.

Still holding, neck no longer elongated, eyes still with that far-away look.

Finally, Domino comes out of her Tai-Chi position.  It was quite a stretch, I think you'll agree.

Here, we have some forward motion, albeit still in slow mode.

At last, she picks up the pace.

And actually breaks into a trot.  Domino seems to have two speeds; slow or fast.  There's nothing ever in-between.  Indeed, it's very much like her purrsonality, which vascillates between sweet as a kitten to tough-as-nails dominatrix.  One thing she'll never be is mediocre.

Perhaps you can join us next time, when Domino "Tais One On" yet again.


Kea said...

Magnificent stretching! She is, indeed, a master (mistress) of Tai Chi!

When I was younger, I didn't have the patience for something slow and centred like that, but I certainly do now that I'm older--and a bit slower anyway. ;-)

Anonymous said...

Those were great moves. We'll have to try some!

Lisa Kolosey said...

Domino is striking in any pose! She seems so thoughtful. Our Yukon is also Zen-like with the two speeds of plod and zoom!
~Lisa Co9T

One Cats Nip said...

Domino is such a fabulous girl! Seriously what does she not do

The Monkeys said...

You're doing a fabulous job, Domino! It looks like your weather is about the same as here! Welcome Spring!

Amy & the house of cats said...

Domino is so cute doing her Tai-Chi! She could teach a class in it for all the stressed out kitties out there!

Goldie, Shade and Banshee said...

Such grace Domino!

Nothing beats fresh grass just sprung!

The Island Cats said...

Beautiful pictures of you, Domino!!

Cats in Trees said...

There are so many ways to describe Domino. We prefer: cool cat.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

That was a very good stretch Domino.

Cindy said...

Great Tai Chi moves, Dominoe! You are gorgeous.

Sweet Purrfections said...

I think Domino is so cute.

Jacqueline said...

WOW, we are so impressed with Domino's Tai-Chi moves; she is quite flexible to hold thoses poses!...She is a real beauty...xo...Calle, Halle, Sukki

Lisa Wallace + current cat said...

We love Domino. She does things with such purpose. That position she got into was pretty amazing.

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

Hi Dommy,

I love yoor Tai Chi ~ in fact I LOVE efurrything abowt yoo!

Smoochies from Milo xxxxxxxxx

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

Excellent Zen like photos