Thursday, January 14, 2010


I had a request to show pictures of my pre-3D cats; the ones who have since gone to the Bridge.  Unfortunately, I don't currently have a scanner, so I only have pictures of Thomas available.  Thomas is my most beloved kitty who lived with us from September 10, 1990 to January 7, 2002. 

Even before Thomas, we had Dazzle, a little floofy tuxy girl, who came to us in 1984 as a kitten, and left for the Bridge in April of 1998.  The only pictures I have of Dazzle are hard copies in my photo albums.  Facially, she looked quite a bit like Domino, except that she was slightly larger and longhaired.  She was very gentle and unassuming.  Once Thomas came along, he tormented her relentlessly (he liked to jump on her back) -- shades of Domino and Dylan!!!

Thomas is what I would describe as the perfect kitty -- or as close to perfect as a kitty can come.  He was extremely loving and affectionate, and quite laid back, but also still playful.  Actually, I could hold him in my arms like a baby, and he would go limp and dangle over my arm, head back, completely relaxed.  He would even do this in the vet's office!  He was an extremely good patient -- I think because he had so much patience himself.

Even at the end when he was going through treatments for lymphoma, all the vets and techs, just loved him and remarked on what a "gentleman" he was.  He cooperated fully and went along with whatever was necessary.  There will never be another one like him, and I'll love him always.

Here's Thomas.  We actually called him Tommy most of the time.  He was such a dear.

Actually, Tommy is probably the reason why I have Dante right now.  Tommy went to the bridge on January 7, 2002 and Dante was born on January 15, 2002.

I was so distraught about Tommy and felt his absence so greatly.  I couldn't live without that flash of orange fur around.  I was intrigued by Maine Coons and found one of the closest catteries on the internet.  Just a few days after my initial call asking if they had any red male kittens, Dante was born.  It's like it was intended.  Of course, I didn't actually bring Dante home until the end of March in 2002.

Dante is no replacement for Thomas.  They are each so unique and lovable in their own ways.  Dante isn't as cuddly, but then I have never met another cat who could equal Tommy's snuggliness.  You could hold Tommy for hours.  Don't get me wrong, Dante still will allow holding and cuddling, but not to the same extent.

Anyway, I thought I'd post one last picture -- this time of Domino as a tiny kitten.  This is a rare photo because at that time, Domino was not mine.  She originally belonged to my son's roommate, who had just left her for several days to go home for Thanksgiving -- this was in 2001.  So, instead of leaving her in his house alone, Ryan brought Domino over to visit us.  She has always loved riding in the car, and I think this is because she was used it to from the time she was so small.

Ryan's roommate ultimately abandoned Domino when she was about a year old.  He moved out and left her behind without telling my son.  He only found Domino in the garage a few days later and she was flea-ridden and hungry.  I told Ryan to bring her to me, and the rest is history!

Baby Domino making goo-goo eyes!

Domino was very wild as a kitten.  Some people were even afraid of her because she would attack!  She had this strange sideways bounce as she would approach you, and you knew she would pounce with claws extended once she was within range.

Now, Domino is very gentle but still feisty.  As you know, she rules the roost!


Martin Hooper said...

Aww Tommy does look a bit like Dante - He looked like a big softy! Sounds like he was... :)

As for baby Dommy she looks cute too - Just wait until Milo sees this picture!


Daisy said...

I can Tommy was a very special kitty. My Mommeh still remembers a Siamese kitty she had named Haiku who would stare into her eyes and gently pat her face with her little paws.

One Cats Nip said...

Thats the first thing I thought when I saw tommy....Dante! They are both super gorgeous! Lil Domino is soooo sweet! Good thing your son found her and your so loving as to give her a home. As for the kid who owned her.....*rapsberries*

Amy & the house of cats said...

What wonderful pictures! Tommy was quite a handsome boy! And baby Domino is such a cutie!

Elizabeth and Connor said...

Tommy looked like a big squishy orange guy! Gotta love 'em.

We're glad that you got Domino--shame on the guy who left her!

8GR8LOLCATS said...

Your Thomas really looks like our Pride... Very sweet... I know he was your very special guy!!! So you are into memories today too! I miss my Mac, Lovey, & Peace... even thought they are with their FUReFUR PURRsons! Baby Domino-PURRecious!

Charlemagne and Tamar said...

What wonderful pictures of Tommy and Domino! We're glad that you were able to give Domino a home - hisses and scratches to the boy who abandoned her.

Charlemagne and Tamar

Cindy said...

We can never forget them. We can never replace them. Great post.

SeaThreePeeO said...

Wow! Such interesting stories. It's always nice to hear about the cats that came before.

Anonymous said...

Tommy is spendid - I can see why you got another orange kitty. Little Domino is very lucky you came along to take her in. FYI-- CVS has scanners to use in some photo deptartments. I don't have a scanner either but can scan old photos onto cds this way!

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

Tommy was a sweetheart! Love the baby picture of Domino.

Catline Crew said...

Such touching stories. Tommy was a beautiful cat. But how could anyone abandon a cat like that.

Cats in trees said...

IIIE, what a sweety, that little Domino. And the sideways bounce is still one of Paddy's favourite moves.

And Thomas sounds and looks like quite the cat. No wonder you remember him so fondly.

dArtagnan Rumblepurr/Diego Hamlet Moonfur said...

OMC, Tommy has such the same expressions as Dante!! Such a stunning boy... and baby Domino (there is a lot of SQUEEEEING going on right now at how cute she is)

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Tommy was a very handsome boy. Domino was such a cute little kitten.
Flynn still does the sideways bounce when he is going to pounce on Eric. Don't suppose he will grow out of it now as they are nearly ten years old.

The Island Cats said...

Thomas was handsome!! And baby Domino...what a cutie!

susan said...

Dante's eyes are so beautiful in these pictures!

Milo's Mom said...

Tommy was just adorable. We can understand why you still miss him. And although Dante was not a replacement for sweet little Tommy, we think Tommy would approve.
And baby Domino is CUTE beyond belief ~ Milo has gone all silly looking at the photo. She was and is adorable. I still find it difficult to wrap my head around that young man abandoning her without telling anyone or making arrangements. I dread to think what the outcome might have been the outcome, if your son hadn't found her ~ thank goodness he did. So please give Dommy an EXTRA big hug off us all today. And Milo sends loving smoochies as well.

The mom (I'm writing this because Milo is still all gooey about baby Dommy!)

Whimpurr said...

It's nice to pay tribute to past kitty friends!

Cory said...

Tommy was very special indeed! What a gorgeous loving boy. Thank you for sharing his story and pictures with us. Mom still misses her soulmate Morgan ::bows head:: who left for the Bridge in 1998, so we know how you feel about Tommy.

Pee Ess...Domino was a cutie pie baby and we are glad she found a home with you!

Quill and Greyson said...

What a great post.