Friday, January 1, 2010


Well, it's 2010 -- a new year and a new decade!  And the 3-Ds are starting it off with a bang!  Romance is in the air and all signs point to lots more of the same for the foreseeable future.

Dante, Dylan and Domino have all found their soul-mates; Dante mostly recently.  They want me to post these portraits of them with their sweethearts because they want the whole blogosphere, nay the whole world, to see how much they are in love!

Of course, here is Dante with his brand new ladylove, Miss Camille Suzanne of "Our Family Cat-a-blog".

Domino has been dating Milo for some months now, and they've been back and forth across the Atlantic too many times to count.  Milo of course can be found at "The Cat's Meow" blog.  He lives in Sidmouth, Devon, UK.

And last but not least, is Dylan with his fiance Kikyo who lives in Maryland.  They have had the longest relationship of any of the 3-Ds, and have been engaged for about a year now.  They decided to have a long engagement because Kikyo is still quite young.

So from each of the 3-Ds and their sweethearts, have a very Happy New Year, filled with love and laughter, good health and good fortune.  May each day be better than the last!


Elizabeth and Connor said...

What great portraits of all the young lovers. Have a happy new year, all of you kitties!

The Taylor CatSSSSS said...


SASS....Sammy Andy Shelly Sierra said...

We love y'all and pray that only good things happen for you in 2010. xxxxxxxxxx

Noll's Nip said...

Happy New Year to you and the loves in your life :)

Quill and Greyson said...

Happy New Year to the happy couples.

Daisy said...

Happy New Year! I wish you all much love and happiness in the new year.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Happy New Year to all of you.

Sweet Purrfections said...

Wow, love is definitely in the air. I don't have a serious commitment because I like all of the mancats. However, my special mancats are Ginger Jasper, Bhu, Goma, and Romeo.

Lisa Wallace + current cat said...

We wish all the best in the new year to all of the 3-D's, their loves, and their families.

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

Sweet couples!

Milo said...

Happy New Year to you all ~ especially Dommy!

Confucius Cat said...

Happy New Year. May you have a wondrous 2010.

8GR8LOLCATS said...

All these long distance relationships... how's that working for you? We have a little kitty incest here, but it gets our needs met! LOL!!!

Susan said...

Maybe 3 Spring weddings!

Anonymous said...

Miss Camille Suzanne is so furry happy to become a part of such a sweet fambly.

Cindy said...

What a wonderful post! It's so nice to see true love bloom.