Monday, January 25, 2010


Dante, when outside, is much more of a snoopervisor.  Dylan is the real prowler.  Of course, I have trained Dante to stay close to home as much as possible, which is actually impossible when it comes to Dylan.  Dylan just has that roaming blood in him, although he tends to stay nearby. 

Dylan's prowl, in the winter, basically consists of visiting the next-door neighbour's porch, which is an endless source of fascination.

Dante has to watch everything that is going on in the neighbourhood and will go to great lengths to do so.  As we start off, you will see him standing tall on his back feet, stretching to see over the accumulated snow.  There's something of interest in the not-too-distant distance!

It was a sunny day, and I had no option but to shoot into the light if I wanted to capture these images.  Unfortunately, it makes them a little darker than normal.

Two mancats on the alert!

Dylan's off on his prowl while Dante stays to protect the home front from possible intruders.

The scent is strong.  It's a force which beckons.

Dante's keen eyes take in all he surveys.

Dylan's sensitive nose hones in!

This bush is extremely sniffworthy.  Every inch must be smelled.

Meanwhile, back at home base, Dante has shifted positions to get a more central view of the neighbourhood activities.

Aha!  Dante knew it!  Just wait long enough and the intruders come to you! 

It's the end of another day's hard work.  It's not easy being a mancat, you know.

Dylan, too, returns home, but his nose never rests.  Such is the lot of a mancat!

I feel so very safe with Dante's keen oversight of our property, and Dylan's sharp nose for trouble.  What would I ever do without them?


One Cats Nip said...

These two are so good and so gorgeous mr.squirrel better watch out

The Monkeys said...

I love the prairie dog impression, Dante! You two are fabulous in the sun.

Mouchois said...

Haha! Dante looks like a cute little (well, pretty big, actually) Meerkat when he surveys!

SASS....Sammy Andy Shelly Sierra said...

Such handsome mancats!!!!!!! And we are sure that Domino feels really safe with them on guard and checking out the neighborhood. xxxxxxxx

Whimpurr said...

Please don't ever stop doing what you two do!!! *purrs* :o)

Catline Crew said...

Two such lovely mancats keeping watch over their home.

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

You surely must feel safe with these two on duty!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

They both look so lovely in the snow checking everything out.

dArtagnan Rumblepurr/Diego Hamlet Moonfur said...

Go Dante!! Ahhh the merekat pose, Rumbles knows it well...

Lisa Wallace + current cat said...

That is some great protection Dante provides against those squirrely rascals. And it is so funny watching Dylan not miss one little inch of that bush. We wonder what came by there earlier?

The Island Cats said...

What great protectors you have there!

Sweet Purrfections said...

I would feel safe if I was protected by two such alert mancats, too!

Cory said...

You are very safe! In very good paws, that's for sure!

Amy & the house of cats said...

Those mancats do a great job of keeping an eye on everything, even if it is in different ways!