Friday, January 1, 2016


The snow fell in quantity only a few days ago, but the 3-Ds are adjusting to this new world of white in great style!

 Dante went for a walk along the ravine in back of our house.  He bundled up in a dark blue pom-pommed toque and a cozy blue wool scarf.  He had lots of fun making snowballs and tossing them at trees along the way.

It's great to get back into nature after last night's revelries.  Very reFUReshing indeed!

 Dylan is also stepping out, but in his case he is keeping closer to home.  He's not taking any chance of getting frostbite with his fur-trimmed trappurr hat, and olive and blue striped scarf.  And his tootsies aren't even touching the snow!

But once he found some rubber boots, all bets were off, and he was out making friends with a snowcat in the next-door neighpurr's yard.

Domino is pretty in pink in her wool knit cadet cap and matching scarf.  She even has some tiny pink mittens to keep her pawsies warm out there.  With the sun shining on the new fallen snow, it indeed seems like a new world on this bright New Year's Day.

Domino wishes for you, too, bright and shiny days throughout 2016!

1 comment:

Brian's Home Blog said...

Y'all really do look HatTastic!!!