Tuesday, January 19, 2016


The 3-Ds are once again hatted up and ready to go just about anywhere -- even out into the snow!

Dante has "logged on" to the internet and is broadcasting his picture from the warmth and safety of the front porch, although he'd like you to think otherwise (i.e., that's he's really out there!).

Today he is sporting a brown wool plaid flatcap.  If you biggify you might even be able to see the green stripe that runs through it, as well as the red and black ones.  Along with his green sweater which he thinks is really 'hip' (and not only because it covers them -- his hips, that is), he has a brown wool scarf tied around his neck.  He's had a bit of a cold lately and one can't be too careful when it's flu season.

"I beleeves in maximum coFURage!" says he.

Dylan, on the other paw, is deep in the back woods, and has hatted up suitably in a bright red  'Jack Wolfskin' trappurr hat along with a warm gray wool scarf.

He's keeping an eye on the weather -- amongst other things which are really too difficult to ignore.

"Fur gudness sake, get a ROOM!" shouts he at the amorous couple.

Domino's vacationing at a cabin in the woods with her beau, Milo.  While he's asleep she's taking a short walk around the propurrty.  And she's doing it in style, wearing a white and black faux-fur hat, and her pink faux-fur-lined sweater.

Along the way she has run into some 'deer' old furiends, so stops to have a chat.  I sure hope Milo doesn't wake up and wonder where's she's gone.

Why there he is now -- looking out the window, but it appears that he has other things on his mind (and none of them are called Domino).  Just like a mancat -- always wondering where his next meal is coming from!


Brian's Home Blog said...

Y'all look terrific and Dante, Sascha sends you smooches!

pilch92 said...

Everyone looks great. That hat is perfect for Dante- so handsome.