Tuesday, November 17, 2009


It's Tuesday, and Domino is atop the cat tree. It's a great place to take a bath and be totally undisturbed. In addition, you've got the light coming in the windows so you can see where you need to clean.

This is almost as good as an instructional video, because you basically get the play-by-play action.

Are you ready? Because Domino is. So let's begin.

I love the way she rests her little footie on top of her shoulder.

And then, there's the toe spread -- gotta get all of that toe jam -- yum!

Well, that was quite the workout, in addition to having a bath! How many of you can work out and get clean at the same time?

Once more tuxies reign suPURReme!


8GR8LOLCATS said...

I think you could actually make an animated gif with that sequence! GOOD JOB Domino... Cleanliness is next to Catliness!!!

Elizabeth and Connor said...

Hmmm...if mama ever posted a picture of us cleaning our tails we'd be a little upset--we like our privacy! But that was a great tutorial--it's sunny here so we'll go practice.

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

That was a good job, Domino! You are sparkling clean

The Creek Cats said...

You should sell workout/cleaning videos, Domino!

Anonymous said...

Miss Rosemary JOY! is a furry goods cleaner an' really gets goin' when she thinks she is all dirty an' that is alla' the time. She is fanaticals about her cleanliness☺

Milo said...

Wooooa! Dommy I'm blushing!

Smoochies from Milo xxx

PS: Never fear ~ no talented piano cat in the whole Werld, wud ever stop yoo being my number one gerl!

dArtagnan Rumblepurr/Diego Hamlet Moonfur said...

Such a tiny and delicate little girl (and SO BOOTIFUL!)

Amy & the house of cats said...

What a bath - lots of cat yoga involved. I knew when I saw the title that Milo would be here to check in!

Daisy said...

You look clean as a whistle now, Domino!

The Island Cats said...

So that's how you do it, Domino!

Goldie, Shade and Banshee said...

Very precise!!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Spotlessly clean!

Lisa Wallace + current cat said...

Great demonstration! You look more handsome than ever now.

Cats in trees said...

Of course we do the workout bath. But when you can find support, use it to your best advantage (as Dushi shows in his video).