Thursday, November 19, 2009


Today we have something special. I have a short video of each one of the 3-Ds. The first two will only take seconds of your time, and the last one is barely over one minute.

For this kind of 3-D video, you don't even need any special glasses. Of course, they don't have the spectacular effects that those other kind of 3-D movies have. But they're good for a smile or two anyway.

First up is Domino. I think I have mentioned before that she has a spastic tail, due to an injury she sustained from her first owner. He used to pull her tail until it cracked, and he actually thought she enjoyed it -- that it was some kind of game (how dense some people can be). Anyway, as the temperatures get cooler, Domino's tail goes off on her more and more often. Poor little thing tries to run away from it, but it always catches up with her.

Next up is Dante who decided to take a stroll on top of Daddy's car. I wanted him to stay, but, being ever so contrary, he didn't co-operate.

And finally, we have a video of Dylan, with a small co-starring role from Dante. They are both out there sniffing all the scentmarks that have been left behind by themselves and others. Some need to be refreshed, as you will see.

So of the three videos today, which one would you nominate for the aCATemy awards? Of course, we know Domino is in for Best Actress (because she's the only one today). Leave me your comment and let me know about Best Picture of the Day, and Best Actor.


One Cats Nip said...

those 3-ds sure do get around! What little cuties!

The Kitty Krew said...

It's wonderful to see you all today! We can't make any decisions on who is better, 'cause you're all great. :)

Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew

dArtagnan Rumblepurr/Diego Hamlet Moonfur said...

We vote for Domino (cause she a BOOTIFUL lady cat) but mummy is voting for Dante/Dylan :)

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

We would nominate Domino's video!

Lisa Wallace + current cat said...

Awww...we love all the kitties. It's fun to see them in motion. Poor Domino with his tail! Dante sure got interested in sniffing something on the porch.

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

Dommy gets my vote EVERYTIME 'cos she is beautiful and speshull. Smoochies from Milo xxx

Note from mom:
Porr little Domino. I can recall the outrage I felt the first time you mentioned on your blog about Dommy's tail and the stupid previous owner. I had no idea her tail twitched so severely ~ I'm saddened that it seems to trouble her. I sthere nothing that can be done to hep her? Does it cause he pain or just irritate her? Whatever, she is a beautiful girl (and I'd like to tell the the previous owner what I think of his stupidity and thoughtlessness).

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

We liked all the videos, but we know how impawtant scent sniffing is. If there are any introoder smells, they have to be covered by your own.

8GR8LOLCATS said...

I think Domino's tail wins an award for it's own independent acting! Dante makes a lovely hood ornament! Dylan has that don't bother me nonchalant attitude... LOVE the videos... POETRY IN MOTION fur sure!!!

Maggie May said...

Love your cute videos. What wonderful actors!!
Glad you liked the Tootlebug painting. It's a 16x20 canvas and I am hoping to sell it this weekend. All proceeds going to the local TNR group I am involved with.

Samantha & Mom said...

We nominate Domino's Video!! And Dante made the coolest hood ornament!! Then Dylan was very curious!! Great stuff!! Thanks for sharing!
Your TX furiends,
Sam & Maverick

Elizabeth and Connor said...

We're undecided--Lizzie likes the video of Domino but me and mama are partial to orange guys!

Daisy said...

It was cool to see Dante's fur blowing in the breeze. I was sad to see Domino's tail, but now I understand what you mean about her spastic tail. Hopefully it will teach others never to do something so mean as her earlier "owners" did.

Shaggy and Scout said...

We like the last one with Dylan checking out the territory. They are all wonderful videos of the cats, and how truly floofy and aloof Dante is as he strolls past you!