Friday, November 27, 2009


Here's Daddy in the front yard, holding Dante. He's squirming a little bit, but being co-operative for the most part. You can see how big he looks in Daddy's arms.

And immediately after, here's Daddy holding Domino. She squirms quite a lot. Of course, if it's not her idea, she wants nothing to do with it. See how tiny Domino looks in Daddy's arms, especially when you compare it to Dante!

Look at Domino's little toesies. Aren't they sweet?

It's always nice to have a little one-on-one time with Daddy. Of the two of them, Dante is the real Daddy's boy. Domino is a mama's girl.

Daddy has been home more often lately (he used to travel for work every week), and Dante has been busily training him regarding his wishes. Now when Dante makes a certain kind of plaintive meowl (Dante has many different sounds, and each one means something different), Daddy knows that Dante wants him.

So Daddy follows Dante to see if he wants to go out in the back yard. Dante has trained Daddy to watch him eat before he steps outside. Daddy stands there and encourages Dante to eat his food by saying "Good boy, Dante!" over and over while Dante noshes. Dante will lift his head from the bowl to make sure Daddy is still watching. When he's finished, then Dante will go to the back door and allow Daddy to let him out.

Domino has me equally trained when it comes to her demanding mews. They, too, sound rather plaintive now that I think of it. Sort of a high-pitched whine. When I hear this, I know I must pick her up and position her over my shoulder like one might hold a baby. I have to hold her little feet with my left hand, and pet her with the other.

Dante and Domino are very good bean trainers. They have that down pat!


Milo said...

Domino is petite but purrfect! And dante is a HUGE boy ~ we had no idea he was that BIG. He could give most average dogs a run for their money!

Smoochies to Dommy xxx

Cory said...

Dante is amazing!!!! We just can't get over how big and floofy and gorgeous he is. We love Domino too!

Elizabeth and Connor said...

We love how daddy seems to be struggling to hold all that mancatliness up! Domino looks as small as Lizzie; she's a mere eight pounds but rules the house!

One Cats Nip said...

Those two should give bean training lessons!

Quill and Greyson said...

Yes that is excellent training!

Anonymous said...

Whitey iz trying to catch up to Dante's magnificent mancat size. Mom iz not pleased. Can you train Mom not to do that?

Domino is a delicate flower, isn't she?!

The Island Cats said...

You can definitely see the size difference!!

Susan said...

Dante,Too......much cat for one man to hold!
Ha, Ha, Ha!

Daisy said...

Whoa! Dante really is a handful! It is neat to see how big he really is.

The Monkeys said...

What a great contrast to see the difference in size between Domino and Dante!

dArtagnan Rumblepurr/Diego Hamlet Moonfur said...

When I grow up, I wanna be Dante!!


Cats in trees said...

Wow. With a cat like Dante training you, there is no need to go to the gym for exercises.

Lisa Wallace + current cat said...

It's important to keep your beans in line. Dante, you are one big gorgeous cat, and Domino, yes, your toes are precious.

8GR8LOLCATS said...

Crazy Cat Man Walter! How awesome! A Good Kitty Dad is a treasure! Love you Walter!!!

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

We love seeing pictures that show how big Dante is!

GLOGIRLY said...

Hey there Domino!
From one gorgeous tuxie to another... You look MARVELOUS!!! It's fun being a tuxie isn't it! ...classic black & white is ALWAYS in style.

(Glogirly's cat)