Tuesday, February 7, 2012


Domino is a smart little cookie.  Like Oreos she has 'double stuff'! 

It's a bright sunny day, and she starts her excursion off by checking out the front porch.  It's a good thing to know if any introoders are about before you proceed any further.

 So she sniffs out the post on one side ...

... and then the other!

She knows who has been by here very recently.

So, it's 'nose' surprise when she turns around and sees Dylan lurking at the corner of the house.

Slowly, the beast approaches!

But it gets much too close for comfort ...

So Domino makes her escape under the green bench.  She goes where others dare not follow.

And, as she comes out the other side, she gets a whiff of a totally different scent.

Brother Dante had been here not too long ago on 'business'.

Satisfied that she has evaded Dylan's clumsy clutches, Domino heads back.

Ah, peace at last!  She has the bench all to herself and that beast of a brother of hers, Dylan, is nowhere in sight.

Sometimes the path to your true destination is not so straight forward.  However, patience and cunning will see you safely through to the end.

  This cookie definitely does NOT crumble!


Marg said...

Good girl Domino, getting away from that brother. You fooled him. Looks like you had a good walk in the snow. Bet your paws were cold. Take care and have a great Tues.

Cat said...

Domino knows life is a journey :-)

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Good for you Domino for evading the naughty boy cat. We do that at our home all the time now!

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

SHe is a smart cookie, too! She knows how to avoid trouble

Brian's Home Blog said...

Hello pretty Domino! Thanks fur taking us along on your whiffie tour!

Bengal Business said...

The suspense of it all, we scrolled all the way to the end of the post to see how it ended and then we read it al over again with the peace of mind that effurything is gonna be ok!

Purrrs Lars and Odin

Unknown said...

Dylan is a pest!/! Me thinks yous should gives him a good whap!

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

Dommy, I am so proud of yoo. I'm on my way over for a playdate!

Love Milo xx