Sunday, May 31, 2009


Dylan is home! I slept on the couch again and heard the most wonderful yowling at the patio door at 4:40 this morning! I went to sleep hoping that I would see him first thing in the morning and it certainly was first thing!

He came home without the leash and collar -- but that's fine! I'm happy he was able to wriggle out of it, because the thought of him trailing that leash and getting tangled really worried me.

He seems none the worse for wear and was voraciously hungry! It was a joy to watch him chow down as he made the rounds of the various types of cat food I put out. And of course he wanted treats, too!

Dante seemed happy to see him as well, and was busily sniffing his butt in welcome! Domino didn't care one way or the other (but then Dylan has been known to attack her).

Anyway, the world is right again and it's a bright, sunny day! And thank you all for the purrs, prayers and pawsitive vibes that I'm sure had a big part in helping Dylan find his way home.

These pictures aren't from this morning, but they do show Dylan reuniting with Dante after a little outing, and then trying to claw his way through the screen door (but getting stuck instead)!

I'm so happy that I still have my 3-Ds furmily unit, and we look forward to sharing our future with all of you on the blogosphere! Thanks once again to efurryone out there!

Ah, don't you just love a happy ending!


Anonymous said...

Ah, there's good news today! We're so glad to hear Dylan made it home OK.

Anonymous said...

Hooray! Welcome home, Dylan! That mustve been that big sigh of relief and joy we heard 'round the blogosphere! Woo Hoo!

The Monkeys said...

Wonderful news! Welcome home, Dylan!

The Island Cats said...

Oh this is the best news to wake up to! We are so happy Dylan is home safe and sound!

Sabrina, Sam and Simon said...

Woooo hoooo, this is the bestest news we could hear! Welcome home Dylan!
Purrs and headbutts,
Sabrina, Sam and Simon

Kaz's Cats said...

Woo hoo! We love a happy ending.


Gypsy & Tasha

The Taylor CatSSSSS said...

WONDERFUL NEWS!!! Mommy is so happy that Dylan came home!!! She just knew he would!!!


Sweet Purrfections said...

Yay! That's such wonderful news! I am so glad that Dylan came home and is safe and sound.

Cats of Wildcat Woods said...

So glad to hear that Dylan was home safe and sound! Mom was worrying all night last night and purring, praying and hoping! We were too!!!

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

Thank Cod!!! We have tears of happiness for all of you! Guess he came home when he couldn't find any joosie mousies to chow down on.

Life is good once again!


Rusty said...

This is very good news! Me and my Mom are very happy and relieved that Dylan found his way back home. He may have gotten his leash stuck on something and did wiggle out of the collar. Cats are good at that. Mom always had "break-away" collars for us and we lost them on a regular basis.

Parker said...

You've made my day! I am so glad he's home and OK!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Thank goodness!!! We truly are relieved.
Welcome home Dylan!

Zoolatry said...

OK now Dylan... while everyone else is busy welcoming you home from your travels hither and yon... inquiring minds want to know: Where did you go? What did you see? Who did you meet?
All the details please...
and last, but not least: Was it worth it?

Samantha & Mom said...

Yippee!! Dylan is home!!! We are so glad he came back safe & hungry!! Welcome Back Dylan!!
Your FL furiends,

The Florida Furkids said...

WONDERFUL NEWS! Welcome home Dylan!!! We're so happy to know that you are back home and safe! Please don't ever scare your Mom like that again.

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

Anita said...

Woooo hoooo!!!! I´m so glad for you!


Mouchois said...

Welcome home, Dylan! I hope your adventure was a good one, because you gave everyone quite a scare!

Poppy Q said...

That is great news for your family. We are so pleased for you all.

las794 said...

So glad your prodigal son has returned! I bet he had all sorts of interesting smells on him for the other kitties to investigate. :)

Quill and Greyson said...

Yipee! Even Daddy was sending positive vibes. Hugs to all.

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

That is the greatest news! Mom is so happy that Wendy has her 3D's all home safe and sound. She won't admit it, but she has nightmares about Dylan but he came home in every one of them!

Daisy said...

I am so glad to learn the good news! Hoooray!

Anonymous said...

When someone you love is gone and you don't know if you'll ever see them again, it must be horribly scary and worrying. I've never lost a pet but I can only imagine how you must have walked the floors.

Anonymous said...


We are so glad the Bad Boy is home. This is what give Moms(and Mummas) grey hair. We too, have been through both outcomes, and if I had a tail of my own, I would be waving it for you.

Love, Hisses and ([{Hugs}]) from Meepsie, Smokey and Mumma Jan

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Welcome home Dylan, don't ever do dat again!

Cat Street Boyz said...

We are so happy Dylan came home! Mommy said this a long time ago, that young children and pets should have tracking devices so they can be found quickly when lost. Chips are a good thing but unfortunately most people don't pay attention to a wondering cat as they do for dogs. Welcome home Dylan!!!=^Y^=the Cat Street Boyz

Jans Funny Farm said...

Hooray, hooray, hooray! We're all so glad Dylan managed to escape his collar and leash and come home. What an exciting morning.

Milo, Alfie and our Mom said...

Mom and Dad haff been out all day and just got back - so we switched on the 'pooter straight away, hoping for good news about Dylan. And we got it! That news has made our day!

Tell him not to do it again!!!! Phew! Then give him smooches from us!


Buckwheat Snapp said...

Yay! Glad you are back home Dylan. I went outside for a minute last night, but mum noticed the door open really quick and I was just out side sniffing things, she scooped me up and brought me back in.


Peggy'sPlace said...

Oh how wonderful! Your comment sent me over here right away. Yesterday was the first time I had visited your blog. I was immediately worried for your Dylan. There is nothing so scary as loosing one of your babys. I had one escape into the back yard and was hiding for 2 days. I know the feelings, intense fear and then total relief. I'm so very happy for you. I bet this winter when all the leaves are gone again, you find that halter and leash :)

8GR8LOLCATS said...

Dylan thank Ceiling Cat that you are home again... We couldn't imagine the Blogosphere with out you! SIGH We are all heaving a collective sigh of relief!

Cory said...

YAY!!! We are so relieved!!!! That is the best news!

Deborah said...

I was ready to board a plane and come look for that kitty! I'm so happy he is home.
Caitty and Rusty

Ozark Mountain Cats said...

That's so wonderful! We wonder what he's going to do to get out of da vet appointment this week! Da biped says you might want to try a king sized pillow case to transport him in instead of da cage. Da biped had one dat she put a string tie on and used it all the time. Her vet said dat it was soothing yet secure.

Reese =^..^= said...

That is wonderful news!

Ikaika said...

We are so happy that Dylan is home safe! Great news!

ShariYS said...

Oh, I'm so happy to hear that! I heard about the story after the fact - because I had a busy weekend, I shut off email from Kittyworld for a couple days - so I heard the entire story in retrospect. OMG, how worried you must have been...and I know what a joy it was to hear him calling you at the patio door. Such a relief! My Tinkerbell was lost for all of 15 minutes on Saturday, but that didn't stop me from being frantic as I beat my bushes and the neighbors' bushes as well! Hugs and kisses to Dylan - it's such a comfort to hear that loving purr again!