Wednesday, May 6, 2009


This series of photos shows Dylan purrforming his duties as defender of the purrimeter of our purropurrty. He pawtrols the fenceline, first in one direction and then turns around to head in the opposite direction. He is furry thorough and takes his job quite seriously.

I was hoping to capture the leap from ground level to the top of the fence, but the camera didn't co-opurrate, as the timing is split-second. Nevertheless, you get to see Dylan in his coiled pawsition and then upon landing.

Dylan comes from a long line of fencewalkers and officers of the paw!


The Creek Cats said...

Dylan, you are very impressive!! You deserve a raise for your pawtrolling duties!

Anonymous said...

Dylan, be very, very careful when youz iz out dere in da biggie world. Lotz of kittiez loose dere 9 lives runnin' free. We tinks youz iz a good an' high jumper and we admire dat.

las794 said...

Dylan looks like a very dedicated patrolman. :)

Milo and Alfie said...

Dylan, we are SO impressed. We fink you should be promoted to Chief Patroller! (and get extra treats)

Daisy said...

Dylan, you look very acrobatic!

The Monkeys said...

You're an amazing defense cat, Dylan! No trespasser would dare challenge you.

Elin said...

Good Job DYlan, I feel the safe!


Angel, Kirby and Max said...

Dylan, you are a very good department of defense!

Pinky Ash and Boo said...

Dylan, you are excellent security. We loved seeing you do your patrol today.

The Creek Cats said...

Hey Guys! We've given you an award. Stop by our blog sometime and pick it up, ok!

Anonymous said...

Gandalf and Grayson would love a fence they could walk on top of like that, Dylan! Alas, they are just 1/2" posts on one side and chain link on the others. I'm actually glad about that, because all of our neighbors have big dogs, one being a not-so-friendly pit bull.

8GR8LOLCATS said...

Dylan would be a suPURRior gymnastics athlete on the balance beam... Looks like a lot of fun and he's doing a great service... CC