Friday, December 18, 2015


The 3-Ds just can't hold back their Christmas joy anymore!  So, here they are all decked out for the holidays.

 Noone can ever say that Dante doesn't have the balls to do it!  Here he is surrounded by the glow of Christmas balls which only help to get him into this season's spirit.

Dante is wearing a burgundy top hat with gold satin trim, and has adorned it with some holly and Christmas bells for good measure.  He has paired this with a stunning burgundy, red and white bowtie which totally bespeaks the festivities.
Let the balls fly and the bells ring out!

 This is Dylan in his Christmas attire.  He's looking forward to a White Christmas in his white top hat and bowtie, both adorned with holly sprigs.

Dylan thinks that Rudolph requires a little adornment, too, so he decorated the wee reindeer just like he did with his tree!

"I fink he did a TREEmendous job!" exclaims Rudolph with glee.

And here is Domino in her bright red wool Christmas hat, complete with sprigs of pine (including a pinecone) all tied up in a red ribbon.  She is also wearing a musical red ribbon 'round her neck fastened with a brooch of green Christmas bells.

However, the real belle here is obviously Domino.  Nothing and no one can hold a candle to her ...

... especially since she's been locked outside for the night!

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