Tuesday, June 29, 2010


Domino is modelling her pink kitty hooded dress for the second time.  Normally, she doesn't like to repeat herself, but it's been so long since she wore it the last time, she thought maybe nobody would remember it. 

Even if you do remember it, please don't let her know.  She tends to get rather worked up about this sort of thing.  Fashion etiquette, you know!

Here is Domino on the runway.  Doesn't she look lovely in pink?

Efurry girl wants something a little pink and frilly in her wardrobe.

This outfit is very PURRactical, too, for the active ladycat on-the-go! 

Showing off a little leg is always a showstopPURR!

"Cant you sees I'm jus' tickled pink?", says Domino.

Every modelling session has its glitches.  This time the evil squirrel tries to get into the act.  Domino says "Hit da woad buddy.  I is giffin' you da pink slip."

Domino shifts to the bench to show off the back of her pink 'Lovely Lady' outfit, and display the two-tiered frills to best effect.

"I mus' sai, I is verreh frilled to be heer todai."

"An' to wepwesents all da pink collah workahs in da world."

"An' fur all da ladycats in da hood, let's stand togedder an' unite!"

Domino wants to start a 'SisFURhood of The Pink', so she and all her fellow ladycats can assert their rights (something like the Women's Lib Movement, but for pussycats).  There's nothing like a 'Pink Lady' to bolster your resolve.

What started as just another modelling session, has become a Pink Passion for all of feline femininity. 

"Power to da Pink!" cries Domino!


Anonymous said...

Hey it's Lizzie--I love pink, too! Power to the Pink! You look great in that dress!

Kea said...

Pink definitely is your colour, Domino. Very pretty!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Domino looks good in her pink!

SASS....Sammy Andy Shelly Sierra said...

Pink is a really good color for you, cutie!!!!!!

The Florida Furkids said...

You look so purrty in Pink!

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

That is a pretty dress and pink suits you well Domino.

HubbleSpacePaws said...

Hmmmm... Domino looks good in pink. And she clearly loves the garden. Maybe you should grow them! Pinks that is! (Dianthus)

dArtagnan Rumblepurr/Diego Hamlet Moonfur said...

Hee hee! The pink slip, I love it!!

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

Dommy, yoo always look beautiful. Always.

love Milo xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Lisa Wallace + current cat said...

You look wonderful in your pink hoodie Domino. You are a powerful feminine force, holding your own against those two boys you live with.

Anonymous said...

Domino - you sure look pretty in pink !

Eva & Gracie's Mom

8GR8LOLCATS said...

PINK is definitely your color... Matches your cute pink nose so PURRfectly!!! Looking good sexy girl!

Daisy said...

Domino, you look pretty in pink, it really sets off your delicate pink nose. And the ruffles are good for your figure!

Anonymous said...

oh Domino, this wunnerful pink hooded dressie is DA BOMB!!!! could i borrows it sometime?

Anonymous said...

Domino, you look Pinkalicious!