Tuesday, December 29, 2009


You may have noticed this plant in some earlier pictures which I posted. I don't know the proper name for it, but we call it a giant "Chia Pet". It actually acts a lot like a regular Chia Pet in that you don't have to water it much or at all, and it survives all year long -- in this case, out of doors.

Domino was instantly attracted to the new porch plant, and only took a few seconds to sniff it before chomping into it. She liked it so much, in fact,  she has decided to adopt it PURRmanently.

Here's even a short little video of Domino becoming intimately acquainted with her Chia Pet.

Yum!  Nothing like fresh grass to nosh on in the winter.  This will keep Domino going through all the bad weather, and to think all she had to do was adopt a pet!  (Brian from "Brian's Home would really like this, wouldn't he?)

Domino is a real grass afficianado, too.  She has a developed a palate for the good stuff -- and this certainly qualifies.

Imagine having a pet that you can nibble on and nuzzle, too!  (Speaking of nuzzling, Domino's on her way over to see you, Milo.  I hope you don't mind a little grass on her breath.)


dArtagnan Rumblepurr/Diego Hamlet Moonfur said...

Mmmm, salad!! That's how you keep your girlish figure!!

Milo said...

Dommy arrived safely ~ and we're gonna play wiv my noo Chrismouse toys together! She won't be back until supper ~ so don't wait up!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Domino was having a very good nom in the video. We have never heard of Chia Pet before.

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

That is a nice pet, er, plant.

Anonymous said...

Oh, Domino, nuttin' yike a good nom on da plants. It is furry and furry good activity☺

SASS....Sammy Andy Shelly Sierra said...

We need Mom to get us one of those Chia plants, cuz we love salad!!!! Beautiful pics of you, Domino.

One Cats Nip said...

Aww Domino really put the bitey on that plant! Yummy!

Daisy said...

So you love to chomp the green, green grass of home?

Lisa Wallace + current cat said...

We would love a delicious plant, and you certainly seem to be enjoying it immensely, Domino. By the way, Jack, who adores grasses, is Cat of the Day today at: http://www.catoftheday.com/

Shaggy and Scout said...

It's nice to see a little green in the winter!

Anonymous said...

Domino knows that greens help a cat keep a healthy digestion!

8GR8LOLCATS said...

Cha Cha Cha Chia!!! Domino loves her plant!

Cats in trees said...

That's right Domino, it's important to groom your pet.