Monday, December 28, 2009


The mancats were really taking advantage of the warmer weather. After many days inside, they were as squirrelly as those evil black squirrels. No amount of wrestling and THoE can make up for a little fresh air and change of scenery.

Dylan took the opportunity to check out the old territory and refresh all his scentmarks.

Here's Dante just taking it all in. You may notice a plethora of tiny footprints in the snow along with some peanuts. Although we didn't see any at the time, the squirrels are around in hiding somewhere, and come out in force to feast once the peanutty scent wafts their way.

I made sure the squirrels had a decent holiday dinner, as well. Friend or foe, it matters not at Christmas.

Dante is obviously startled by something going on in the neighbourhood. He's got the owl ears going on and stunned look on his face. Mancat on alert, he is!

Dylan's still busy checking out all areas of his territory. From our driveway ...

... to our neighbour's driveway. Hmmmm, here's something new!

Dante's standing at the corner of the garage, watching as something approaches.

And look what it is! The mancats reunite!

Just a brief greeting to check in with each other. And then they're off again.

Dante looks mysterious, here, peering through the bushes.

Then he's off to parts unknown with Dylan looking on.

Time to do another tour while the weather permits. You can never be too careful when it comes to the security of your family!
The mancats thoroughly enjoyed their outing because they never know when they might get another chance to breathe the winter air and roam at will. It was a good remedy for the "stir crazies", that's for sure!


The Creek Cats said...

Looks like you boys are really enjoying the fresh air!!!

The Island Cats said...

You mancats look good out in the snow!!

(We get deer in our yard all the time. The deer today were eating the Halloween pumpkins that mom left out in the yard for the squirrels, birds and the deer!)

SASS....Sammy Andy Shelly Sierra said...

We can see from the pictures that you are excellent watchcats!!!! xxxxxxx

One Cats Nip said...

Woot! You guys just love the outdoors!

Daisy said...

Dante looks just made for the snow!

(I'm cracking up about the peanut butter and "jam" from yesterday's post)

Sweet Purrfections said...

Brrrrrrr! I get cold just looking at your pictures.

8GR8LOLCATS said...

It sure looks like fun outside... but isn't it awfully cold when you sit on the snow?

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

You are good mancats to patrol and guard the yard.

Lisa Wallace + current cat said...

Jack thinks you are brave to sit on snow and walk on it alot. He is glad the snow is gone now from the backyard so he can go out again. Orange mancats look very regal against the snowy background.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

It's good to get back outdoors after being shut in for a while. It is very impawtant to keep a check on strange smells.
Mum thought Dante was pooping when he was peering through the bushes.

Cats in trees said...

Ah, good to see you at least have the snow. Ours is all gone now, and we enjoyed it so. And we totally agree, houses are for sleeping, gardens are for running about.

dArtagnan Rumblepurr/Diego Hamlet Moonfur said...

Mancats on patrol!!!!

Anonymous said...

Looking pretty cold out here guys!