Wednesday, July 28, 2010



Kea said...

Whew what a party it was! Look at all the nip! Not hard to see everyone had a very good time. LOL.

The Monkeys said...

You three really celebrated Dylan's birthday! Now it's perfect to rest up!

Hannah and Lucy said...

Bet there are a few ice packs on nip heavy heads now.

SASS....Sammy Andy Shelly Sierra said...

What a party!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

THat looks like a good nip party!

Cat said...

It looks like Dylan's birthday party was quite the nip-fest! I hope the kitties have a relaxing day today and recover from the festivities.

I have the exact same "tickler" that is in the first picture. Every single one of my cats has played with it (it was Max's favourite) and it is still going strong...the best $7.50 I ever spent - LOL!

Amy & the house of cats said...

Wow what a nip party that was!! It looks like you had a lot of fun celebrating!!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

A nip party! How fun!!!

Jacqueline said...

Good to see you guys resting up after the big party=we love the nip too!...xo...Calle, Halle, Sukki

Daisy said...

Woohoo! It looks like you had a great time! I feel sad that I missed Dylan's birthday. I hope he had a wonderful day.

Sparkle said...

You can tell how great a party was by the mess that's left afterwards!

Marg said...

Looks like all of you had a great tme. Happy late Birthday Dylan. Hope you had a wonderful day. The pictures are terrific.
Have a great evening.

The Island Cats said...

It musta been a great party!! You all look nipped out!

Lisa Wallace + current cat said...

Any hangovers the day after?

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

WOT? I missed owt on a NIP party? I'm on my way over!

Love Milo xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

8GR8LOLCATS said...

Dylan what a fine feline Birthday you had my friend!!! Love the rug shots... You all look so happy and high on the nip! Once again... Happy Happy Happy Birthday!!!

Anonymous said...

you guys are having way too good a time, MOL.