My precious Dylan is missing since yesterday morning around 9 a.m. We were taking him to the vet on his collar and leash when he kicked free and ran. I'm so worried because he'll be trailing the leash and it could get caught or tangled on something. He was really in a panic, too.
I feel like this is my fault and I should have used a carrier, but we are used to taking all of our kitties out on their leashes and haven't had a problem before. Dylan hates the carrier, too, and when he's on the leash I can hold him and try to calm him. Hindsight is useless at this point.
I tried to sleep on the couch and listen for him at the back patio door. I kept thinking I heard scratching noises, but there was nothing there, and he wasn't there this morning either -- and it's been raining off and on since yesterday and most of the night. I just feel sick about it.
Anyway, we could use your positive thoughts and prayers for his safe return. I'm going to put in a Missing Pet Report with our Humane Society, and Dylan has a microchip for identification. I know he would have come home on his own if he could.
I'm still hopeful I'll be able to update this post with a positive report. In the meantime, though, it's hard to carry on as usual.
Oh no! We are purring very hard for Dylan to be safe and come home quickly. Maybe someone saw him trailing his leash so knew he obviously wasn't a stray and took him to a shelter. We hope you can come back very soon with a good update.
Purr purrrr purrrrrrrring for Dylan's safe return....
We purring and purraying for Dylans fast and safe return.
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Oh no! We are so very sorry and sad but we are convinced Dylan will get back home safely. The good thing about the leash is someone will realise he is very loved and has escaped so they will micro-chip check him. The delay may be 'cos they couldn't get to a vet to do that.
Sending you ALL our purrs and prayers. Stay strong for him - he will be OK, we just know it.
Milo and Alfie and their Mom.
Please keep us informed - we know how worried you must feel. (((((HUGS)))))) xxxx
We are sending lots of purrs and prayers for Dylan to reurn home safely! Mom always asks St Anthony to help find lost people, things and pets so tell everyone to ask him to help find Dylan!
We're definitely purring for Dylan to return home safe and sound! I can imagine how difficult this must be for you and I'm sending positive thoughts to you!
Biggest purrs for Dylan to come right home!! Big Mom hugs too!
Oh we're sending out our best purrs and purrayers and positive thoughts for Dylan to find his way back to you again.
Gypsy & Tasha & Karen (Mum)
Oh noooo! We are purring and purraying that Dylan will make his way home to you safe and sound, and very, very soon ...
Hugs, purrs and headbutts,
Sabrina, Sam and Simon
Prrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrs and tail wags that Dylan will come home very soon. We know how hard this is for you!
Zeke, Sushi, Tiger Lily and Ruckus
Just checking in again to see if there's any news on Dylan. We're sending positive thoughts and purrs for him to come home to you.
Oh Wendy, I do know that feeling!! We are sending lots of purrs for Dylan, and lots of hugs for you. Stay strong-- Love,Hisses and {{{Hugs}}} from
Meepsie, Smokey and Mumma Jan
I'm so sorry to hear about Dylan. I check in on your kitties every day. My Rusty has run away twice, each time for 5 LONG days. They are amazing animals and Dylan will find his way home. Keep us posted. Lots of purrs coming your way from California.
Caitty and Rusty
Purrrrs and positive thoughts for Dylan to come home and/or be found quickly!!!!! We will keep checking back!! ((((((((HUGS))))))))) Dylan Come Home Please!!!!
Your FL furiends,
Many purrs and positive thoughts that Dylan will get home safely. At least if someone finds him, they'll know he belongs to someone because he had a leash on. I once went missing for a week, I never told Mom where I was, but I did find my way back home. Us cats are smart like that, we know where we belong and where life is good for us.
We hope with all our heart Dylan turns out soon. A tip for cats get used to the carrier is to make it always opened for they could enter, sleep... inside.
Purrrrrs and good luck.
We hope Dylan will soon be home safe and sound.
We are purring very hard that Dylan comes home! HERE ARE SOME WEBSITES THAT HAVE GREAT INFORMATION TO HELP:
Oh no! We will purr really hard for his safe return. Hopfully he's just laying low close by in a hidey place.
Oh Wendy, I am so so sad to read this... we will be praying for Dylan to return soon, or be found. And prayers for you, too.
Ann, Maggy & Zoey
All of our purrs and prayers that he comes home soon!
We are so sorry and know you must be so worried!
Oh so sorry for you. Sending purrs good thoughts your way. How far from home were you when he escaped? Were you able to check around the houses in the direction he went? Oh we hope so much he'll be home soon.
Try putting his favorite bed on the porch. Or if you have a vacuum with a bag, put some of the stuff out of the bag on the porch. Both of these will have your smells on them and help him find his way home.
Oh noes!!! We are purraying every second of the day that he gets home quick!
Dylan, gets your butt home NOW!
WWE are purring and praying for you and Dylan!
Any news? Purring and purring.
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