Wednesday, October 28, 2009


Click on the link below to go to YouTube to see the video.

Dante stalks squirrel and then stalks Dylan


One Cats Nip said...

Cute pictures! Check out that floooffffy orange tail how lovely

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

Very good video! That squirrel is very brave!

Sweet Purrfections said...

That was funny! You really do have some brave squirrels up there.

Martin Hooper said...

Love the video Wendy - One of these days Dante will get that squirrel!!

SeaThreePeeO said...

Great pictures and video. We really enjoyed them!

The Kitty Krew said...

haha, that video was funny. The squirrel got awfully close! Great photos, too.

Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew

Angel Gracie=^o.o^= said...

Looks like you are still have the weather nice enough to enjoy the oustide. Not sure if the squirrel was brave or . . . well . . . how do I say this nicely . . . no way . . . so I will just say it . . . stupid.

8GR8LOLCATS said...

Aesomesauce! There are no words to describe the beautiful of your kitties!!!

Anonymous said...

It's Wednesday and you isn't talkin' so you did goods wif you's promise!

Dante', Miss Camille Suzanne says MEOW-ZA!

Elizabeth and Connor said...

That squirrel got SO CLOSE! Why are you on a leash but Dylan isn't? So that ladycats don't steal you away? ;)

~Whisker Tickles,
Lizzie and Connor

Misha said...

That squirrel's tail was almost as bushy as Dante's!

Amy & the house of cats said...

Oh they are so cute! I am still amazed how close those evil squirrels get to Dante!

Cats in trees said...

Great video. We do wonder about the squirrel though. Was he that cheeky or Dante perfectly camouflaged?