These photos were all chosen with Milo Marshall in mind! Domino wanted to show herself off at her very best, so she sat with me and we went through folders and folders of pictures. Finally, she settled on these ones which were taken last year about this time.
Domino is standing at the start of the front walkway up to our house. She is waiting there as if to greet Milo after a long trip across the ocean.
Doesn't she look delicious? Do you think Domino will cause Milo to drool? (He has been known to swoon upon seeing her likeness, but so far no drooling has been reported.)
Domino also poses with her statue of the kitty buddha in the third picture. She wants to let Milo know that she's a practising Kitty Buddhist, and she hopes that it won't be an impediment to a long-term relationship. Domino believes in "live and let live" as each kitty sees fit. Domino may pose, but she does not "impose".
Domino is a true kitti-ZEN of the world! Drools are drools, but a kitti-ZEN needs only his or her inner voice for direction. ("Which way to Sidmouth?" is what Domino is asking!)
P.S. We have added four new LOLs to "The House of Cats" feeture on the LOLSpot for Tuesday. To see Floyd, Kirzon, Lola, Virgil and Barney, just click on the LOL Icon, second from the top on the left of this post to get there quickly and easily.
Okay I admit I have a girl crush on Domino. Mommy and I love a Domino post!
Very pretty posing today Domino! All you cats are so photogenic!
We're sure Milo Marshall would approve of those purrty pictures!
SHe is very imposing!
If Milo doesn't swoon, I'm making sure my brother Nigel takes a look. It will get his mind off my momma Ellie...
Domino you are a lovely ladycat!
I have a soft spot for tuxies as my first ever kitty was one!
*Hugs and scritches*
Hi my beautiful Tuxedo girl,
Yoo look so very beautiful. I dream about you at night and it makes me twitch (according to Mom ~ 'cos I sleep by her feet). I'm Buddhist too so no problem there. :sigh: Big smooches.
Love Milo xx (swooning)
You're definitely a beautiful tuxy girl, Domino. We love the photos!
Oh Domino you are such a pretty little tuxie girl! You are just so perfectly cute shapped (which sounds weird I know but you just have a cute shape to you - rounder I guess than the boys I am used to at my house). I can see why Milo would be all over you! If he hadn't gotten to you first I am sure that Virgil would have tried to make a move - but he respects Milo and would never try that now that you are a couple - but if Virgil had become a mancat a bit sooner... But he (and I) wish you both well!
I knew Milo would be impressed! Domino, I especially like your sweetly rounded face. Am I allowed to say that, even though I am a girl? I think so.
You are a little beauty Domino. You made a good job of choosing your photos for Milo.
Would you tell your mum that yes please, we would love to be LOLcats.
Two words...simply gorgeous!
You are a doll, Domino!
u have a beautiful cat with white combination colour...
Hi Domino. You are a gorgeous tuxie womancat! Our Louie has a similar rounded appearance and coloring. He says he bets Domino's nose turns bright pink when she's really happy.
She is a cutey and the queen of superior posing!
I love this cat! I found your site by just browsing...clicking on "next blog" at the top of the screen over and over. I love to browse blogs...there are so many suprises!
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