Tuesday, June 30, 2009


Tuesday -- time to celebrate the tuxedo kitties in our lives! As always, my little Domino is a good example of tuxiness. Witness her white muzzle which comes to a muted point above her eyes to merge gradually with the black atop her head. The diminutive snout is capped with the sweetest little pink nose and both are framed quite symmetrically with more of the obsidian darkness that strikes such a contrast to the pristine white.

To quote the late, great Michael Jackson, it may not "matter if you're black or white", but what about when you are both black and white! To me, this is testament that tuxies have a symbiotic relationship with not only themselves, but the rest of the world, as well. They have merged two polar opposites into a harmonious, appealing and intriguing blend. Now, if only humankind could do as much!

However, I digress (as usual)! Back to Domino and her tuxy toes which so ably support her in her quest to sip from the magic bath of bird. Normally Domino has a problem with reaching this goal because she's kind of short, but on this occasion the water level was high enough so that she could dip her delicate pink tongue into the pool of cool.

I focussed in on the tuxy toes because I think they are worthy of purrticular note, whether they be tippytoes straining for height, or relaxed toes just hanging out all nice and easy. In both cases, again the pinkness of the paw pads is best accentuated by the white stockings and gloves that this little female tuxy wears in purrpetuity.

Domino is always dressed in her tuxy best! No less!


Quill and Greyson said...

Oh Domino is a rock star Tuxie.

The Monkeys said...

Domino, you're the perfect example of beautiful tuxiness!

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

She can't let the boys best her at the bird bath fountain!

8GR8LOLCATS said...

Nose and toes and toes and toes and toes! How cute is she? LOVE those delicious pink paw-pads!

The Island Cats said...

Domino...what a beautiful tuxie you are!

Anonymous said...

She is a dream in black and white purr-fection...tip to tail☺

Milo said...

Dear sweet little Domino,

You are the bestest and prettiest tuxie girl ever!

Milo (swooning)

Anonymous said...

Domino, you are a creamy, dreamy delight of tuxiness!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Well done Domino. It was a bit of a stretch but you managed to reach the water.

jenianddean said...

What a cutie!

Amy & the house of cats said...

Oh, such a cute Tuxie! I love her little pink nose!

Daisy said...

Ever since Harley joined our family, we have a new appreciation for black & white kittehs. They are so graphic!