Domino's had her breakfast and now she's out front raring to go!
"Yes, I is feelin' verreh rare indeed, so furst off I'm gonna take a break."
"Ah, dat wuz refureshin'!", says Domino. "Now fur a liddle Tae Kwan Do."
"Yoo gotsta streeeeeeeeeeeeeeetch dose mussels from back ta front ..."
"... an' front ta back! Speekin' of back, I fink I needs ta rest it."
So Domino takes her second break of the day, and it's still only early morning!
But it's not long before she hears the 'call of the wild'! Of course, when she's 'on-call' the camera cannot follow. But after several very long minutes ...
... Domino reappears. "I'm jus' wild about snoopin'", says she.
Once again, she is homeward bound.
But first things first! When you're itchy, you've just gotta scratch.
"Take a pichur why doncha?", she says. So I did.
"OK, so I'm back", says Domino.
"Now wot?"
Well, it's time to check out the back yard, of course!
Herb seems to be doing just fine.
Domino hears the 'call of the wild' yet again. This time it's the wild ivy growing at the back of the yard.
"One of dese days, I'll hook you up I.V., but so fah yoo seem to be doin' great on yoor own."
And no snoopervision would be complete without a little fence time.
"I likes it up heer cuz nuffin' gets in da way of my line of vishun!"
From there, it's a short hop to the BBQ.
Sittin' on da BBQ is makin' me hungree!" Domino declares.
"So let me IN, willya?"
"Ware's da nail file wen yoo reely needs it?"
This time Domino wants to make a different kind of BREAK!
NOT To Be Continued ...