Tuesday, June 16, 2009


Today we received a package in the mail with the two plague rats that we ordered from Baby Patches. We are keeping one for the grandkits, but I removed the other one from its plastic bag right away. Even before I could do that the cats were already sniffing around – it has some pawerful aroma, I must say! So, I thought why not just test it here out in the open air (where I wouldn’t have to smell it).

Though Dante was the furst to sample it, he was also distracted by another evil squirrel. So Domino spotted what Dante had left behind and soon became intimately acquainted with the raunchy thing. She started off with a real good sniffing, from its head to the tip of its tail. At this point she appeared to be under the spell of its unique bouquet, and that’s when her mouth began to water. Drops of drool dribbled out of her onto the bricks, around the rat-tail and everywhere in the general vicinity.

Domino is the biggest drooler amongst the 3-Ds. Of course, this usually occurs when she’s kneading biscuits on top of me. I’ve been told this behaviour is a throwback to kittenhood, when the little ones massage their mama cat’s abdomen to increase the flow of life-supporting liquid. As with Pavlov’s dog, drooling at the sound of the infamous bell, the kittens learn to salivate in synch with their tiny paw manipulations which expurress their ultimate reward, i.e., the milk! Such anticipation!

I’m wondering if something about the plague rat reminded Domino of her mama, or of me. It certainly had her saliva glands flowing! You can see the results of this torrent in the last picture, where the ratsie (now covered in cat hair) is surrounded by a number of large, and still furry wet stains.

So, in essence the plague rat is actually the antithesis of the scourge it has long been made out to be, and is, in fact, an instrument of our salivation – or, in the least, Domino’s salivation!


Mouchois said...

Those plague rats are too cute. :D
And it looks like he had a great time!

Quill and Greyson said...

Looks yummy!

8GR8LOLCATS said...

Oh Domino... there's nothing wrong with drooling all over a big juicy catnip RATTY! YUMMO... looks delicious! That's nice of your momma to save one for Missy and Sox too...

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

It looks like she really enjoyed it!

Milo and Alfie said...

Many of our friends have plague rats ... so we think we are missing out. They look such fun! We think Mom and Dad are neglecting our basic needs ... 'cos every cat should have a plague rat. :sigh:

Forever Foster said...

The plague rat looks wonderful! We have been thinking of putting an order in, after kitties have been giving them such good reviews.

The Monkeys said...

We're going to get a plague rat too! It looks like Domino really loves it!

Luna ( from Brazil ) said...

Hello friends!
My name is Luna, I'm from Brazil!I came from Eric and Flynn's blog to visit you! Your blog is so cool and full of great adventures! Fabulous pictures!
Glad to see you have fun with your new mouse!
purrs and love

The Creek Cats said...

Plague ratsies are so much fun! So are honeysuckle mousies! They both make us drool!

Anonymous said...

When ya gotta spits, ya gotta spits. Forrest does dat sumtimes when he sees birdies or when momma gives him da fresh 'nip from da gardenz.

Cat Street Boyz said...

That looks like a cool nip toy. Setzer is the drooler so we try and get to the nip toys first 'cause after he is through, the toy is soaked and yucky!!!=^Y^=the Cat Street Boyz

jenianddean said...

Those plague rats have been a hit with everyone who's gotten one that I've seen. I guess I need some too.

Anonymous said...

Gandalf drools all over the boogie mat when Mom puts fresh nip in it. Domino somehow makes it look much kyooter!


Daisy said...

Oh my goodness, that drool is too funny! If anything is worth drooling over, it's those Plague Ratsies.

Domino, I am glad you found salivation!

The Island Cats said...

We got a plague rat too! Zoey has claimed it for her own....but she hasn't drooled on it yet....

Baby Patches said...

OMC! Looks at dat drool. hehehe dat is pawsome though, da Plague Ratsie totally worth lots of drool! Glad you luvs em!

Everycat said...

Hello Domino, what excellent drooling, the rat didn't stand a chance!

Whicky Wuudler