Monday, June 8, 2009


These are my manly mancats, Dante and Dylan, lounging on one of the big easy chairs in the family room. I've had comments that my kitties are rarely seen inside -- and it is true that the majority of the pictures I take of them are shot outside.

On this purrticular day, however, there was sufficient natural light inside early in the day to get some decent indoor pics.

So, here they are, my lion king and his prince, sharing their throne bedecked with roses. They both have such regal "bear"-ing (even though they're cats). And once again, they demonstrate their love fur each other in such a sweet and tender way.

Real mancats aren't afraid to show their softer side, and maybe even share a quiche! Dante says "Quiche me baby"! After all, Dylan is his baby bro.


Quill and Greyson said...

Awe how sweet.

Sweet Purrfections said...

What handsome mancats!

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

Very good indoor photos!

Milo and Alfie said...

We commented earlier - but the comments were playing up and it didn't post! We hope this one does.

We fink Dylan and Dante are excellent mancat role models by showing their softer side. Me and Alfie do the same 'cos we luff each ovver!

Poppy Q said...

They look like they enjoy each others company very much.

The Creek Cats said...

Good morning you handsome mancats!

Anonymous said...

Both gorgeous mancats! Although we're not sure about quiche.

Mom rarely does inside photos either. The flash changes our fur colors and then there's the whole laser eye thing.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

You are both very handsome Mancats. PoppyQ called us Gingerlicious earlier and we think it applies to you too.

The Monkeys said...

It takes a very confident Mancat (or two!) to lounge on a rose-covered chair and snuggle with their brother and still remain mancatly but you two pulled it off with ease!

The Taylor CatSSSSS said...

What great Mancat photos!

Anonymous said...

Handsome boys! Glad mom got some picts of you both inside - you look so sweet.

Anonymous said...

You can take great photos inside! My cats never leave the house and my blog is loaded with really cute photos!

Anyway, what really needs to be said is that those are some totally gorgeous cats!

8GR8LOLCATS said...

eFURRYthing's coming up roses for Dante and Dylan!!! Cute photos... LOVE the last one look-up... look-down... See the kitty... GEE ur PURRetty!

Anonymous said...

We love to look at your photos of your man cats!

Daisy said...

Real Mancats are not afraid to pose with roses!

Reese =^..^= said...

Dose are such cute pictures. I especially like the furry last one. What a sweet expression.

The Island Cats said...

Oh you two are the handsomest to Wally and me, of course!!!


Laila and Angel Minchie said...

Very handsome mancat specimens there! Laila is all aflutter in love with them both.