Monday, March 30, 2009


Here is Dante first coontemplating his lot in life and then what he might find for a snack!


8GR8LOLCATS said...

All that beautiful red fur to soak up that early springtime sun! Just taking in nature as she bursts forth! What more could a fabulous coonboy ask fur in life! Oh yeah... a snack!

BeeChilly said...

Dante is so sweetly enjoying his sun bath. Really, he's a snack for our eyes.

Goldie, Shade and Banshee said...

Gorgeous photos of you all out in the wilds. We are from the Great North too but on the East Coast. We are under a foot of snow today so I will not be doing any patrols. Very depressing as the snow was melting at a nice rate. Had a storm all day yesterday.

Spring is coming, I think....

Purrs Goldie