Dante doesn't often make an appearance on this blog because he still has one of his own, but I thought this picture just begged to be posted here.
Amid all the wonderful smells of spring, including the fragrance of wafting apple blossoms, Dante has chosen to sniff a whiff of his brother Dylan instead!
This is Domino in the crabapple tree in early May 2012. Domino loved to climb trees and she was very fast at it too. She virtually jumped halfway up and quickly scrabbled onto a branch.
"Trees give yoo a wunderful purrspective" she was known to say.
"Not only duz it give yoo a bettah view frum fah away ...
This is a very sweet picture of Dylan taken in May 2010.
(Biggify for best view)
Ah, the innocence of it all -- a young cat in the long grass at the height of dandelion season. Has he spotted some dandelion fluff swaying in the breeze, or could it be something even more enticing?
Or both?
Pee Ess: Come over and see Dani. She just may blow your mind! Just click on her picture below.