Dante doesn't like to bundle up and wishes he could just bask in the sun 'au naturel'. Today he is wearing a gray, tan and red plaid CATsby cap with a coordinating scarf to keep his chinny, chin, chin warm.
"I'm tryin' ta keep my chin up undah da circumstances", says he. "Good fing I has my scarf ta keep it dere!"
Domino, who is always on top of things, can't quite understand why the weather won't do what she wants. She has control over every other aspect of her domain, after all.
She is wearing a faux fur white hat with a white silk scarf adorned with a silver bird.
"I'm reddy ta turn my back on wintah!", she declares, doing just that!
I'm afraid that winter has driven Dylan simply nuts!!! He is protesting as loudly as he can so that the weather gods will hear him.
Meanwhile he is wearing a knitted green kitty hat with ears and a matching scarf.
"Snow, snow go away, come again anuddah day -- or anuddah century fur dat mattah!"
"Maybe dose uddah cats want winter to go away, but I'm NOT looking forward to being a puddle!"